Within 2 Years ...
Therapeutic Biogenic Replicator : Will be Ready

Currently building prototype ...
We expect a replicator to be in in-vivo animal testing.

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Within 5 Years ...
Biogenic 24/7 Exercise Machine : Will be Ready

This device is expected to be in human trials.

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Within 10 Years ...
100 Year old person : In a Marathon

This centenarian should both feel as strong as and look as young as a 30 year old.

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Latest News ...

The design of a major component of the Replicator, the input sub-system, has been achieved. Of the 3 sub-systems, this was the most challenging for us. Our design utilizes a Pulse Code Modulated (PCM) optical signal to input the Amino Acid sequence of the RNA that the Replicator must reproduce.
The last major challenge is to finalize the design of the output sub-system. RNA Output was the first component on which we worked. We just now need to complete the RNA splicer. This should not be all that difficult as we have already done significant work on it.
We are pleasantly surprised with our progress and expect to now be well on our way to a complete Replicator design.

Actual bacterial testing may require significant debugging.

Even though this is an extremely sophisticated, complex and advanced Biogenic Processor, it was the easiest for us to design, as since 2016 we have been testing such similar Collective Intelligence CUDA GPU software in several simulated environments including computer game controllers designed in Unity3D.

Actual bacterial testing may require significant debugging.