Draft - last modified : 1 April, 2021

We are currently developing 2 solutions:

The FIRST is a therapeutics delivery biogenic replicator device, that uses downloaded mRNA to replicate vectors in-vivo. Every year, nearly 3 million people in the United States are infected with antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and more than 35,000 people die from the infections [medlineplus.gov]. MRSA is a clear and present danger with an increasing risk around the world. The prototype currently in development targets MRSA antibiotic resistant bacteria with phage vectors.

The SECOND is an in-vivo biogenic 24/7 exercise machine, that directly stimulates individual muscle fibers, allowing people to remain physically strong and highly mobile, for a long time. We calculate that there will be between 120 - 240 Million permanent machine users.


  • The biogenic replicator is an in-vivo vaccine/ antibody/ antibacterial delivery device, that uses probiotic bacteria as the core processing units. It operates by replicating mRNA delivery vectors. See the Presentation @ NVIDIA GTC 2021 5 minute video for details.

    This system will target viruses like SARS-Cov-2 (COV19), with the intention of preventing future pandemics. Antibiotic resistant bacteria (like MRSA, VRSA, MRAB, etc.) are also a main delivery target, using mRNA phage vector templates.

    We expect to have a working prototype device within a year. A key goal, is the distribution and delivery of therapeutics for other pharma entities using this technology.

  • The in-vivo biogenic 24/7 exercise machine :

    This device only requires taking one BioPack capsule per week. The capsule is a low cost "pill", to which the appropriate mRNA version is downloaded, which then delivers it to the machine.

    According to the WHO, about 18 Million people died in 2019 from Cardiac related incidents.

    Since the device is low cost, it will be far cheaper to use it to save lives and be physically fit, than to otherwise, pay the much more expensive medical related costs. This will result in significant personal savings.

    We therefore expect that about 120 - 240 million people will be permanent users of this device, when it is fully operational.

    Researchers believe, that one of the primary cause of age-related muscle atrophy (sarcopenia) is reduced innervation from nerve cells in the brain. Reduced growth hormone and growth factors required to make muscles grow larger and stronger also seem to play a role in the process. Sarcopenia typically accelerates rapidly, from as early as age 65, and usually leads to frailty, resulting in falls and fractures in older adults. The loss of mobility then leads to a muscle atrophy cascading effect.

    The principal treatment for sarcopenia, as we all should be personally aware, is physical exercise, specifically resistance or strength training. Many of us have tried or are trying this. But exercising consistently, for the required 30-60 minutes/day can be challenging to say the least, given our work and hectic daily routines. Regular exercise, may slow, but sadly though, will not prevent sarcopenia. If a person has low mobility for some reason, exercising can be challenging, and the muscle atrophy cascading effect can be severe.

    This machine works by directly stimulating individual muscle fiber groups, in a round-robin manner, providing 24/7 exercising, to keep muscles strong and healthy. While at the same time, locally supplying the necessary growth factors. This is expected to allow people to remain physically strong and highly mobile, for a long time.

    A bonus feature of this machine will be, the delivery of beneficial hyaluronan and collagen dynamics to body tissue, thus improving skin moisture and elasticity.

    We want the 100 year old, to both feel as strong as and look as young as a 30 year old.

    To achieved this, we are using a biogenic replicator, to replicate mRNA vectors, that specifically target and stimulate muscle groups and related cells. These vectors cannot replicate by themselves and are just therapeutic delivery vehicles.

    The device is currently in the design stage. Our medical mission, is to perfect this device, such that within 10-15 years, we will have a 100 years old person, being able to win a world championship marathon.


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